"Mear dan 20 jier profesjonele medyske kabelfabrikant yn Sina"

Nellcor n25 kompatibele neonatale en folwoeksenen wegwerp spo₂ sensor

Comfort Foam (net-leefmiddel)


Sensor Materiaal:

Pasjint grutte (kg):

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Ynformaasje hawwe bestelle


Fabrikant OEM Diel #
Covidien> Nellcor N25
Envitec Dn-2411-6, DN-2211-6, DW-2211-6 (wegwerp sensor wrap), DN-2271-6, DW-2271-6 (Foam)
GE HealthCare> Marquette 2023216-001
Philips M1133A, 989803128551, M1134a, 989803164921


Fabrikant Model
Artema Sandw Diabscope
Bionet BM3, BM3 Plus
Bionics BPM-200
BIOSYS BPM-200, Sentry
Covidien> Nellcor N-10, N-100, N-180, N-190, N-20, N-200, N-30, N-30, N-3000, NPB-295, NPB-295, NPB-295, NPB-3910, NPB-3920, NPB-3920, NPB-3920, NPB-3920, NPB-3930, NPB-3940, NPB-40, NPB-4000, NPB-75, Symphony N-3000
Datumx ohmeda Enguard CM5
Draeger Cicero, Infinity Delta XL, Infinity Gamma XL, Infinity Kappa, NarkoNed, Narkomed, SC 7000, SC 7000, SC 8000, SC 9000XL, Vitalert 1000
Edan H100b
Fukuda Denshi Dynkope DS-5100E, dynkas DS-5300w
GE SALDECARE> Corometrics 118, 120, 129, 188, 510, 511, 556
GE Healthcare> CRITIKON> DINAMAP 1000, 3000, 9710, 9720, Kompakt, DINAMAP Selektearje, M-NSAT-modules, MP's, pro 1000, Pro 300, pro-searje, prosare, SMU, SMV, Solar Series, TRAM MODUARE X50SL SERIE
GE HealthCare> Marquette KARDIOSV, Dash 2500, Dash 3000, Dash 4000, Dash 5000, Eagge 4000, Eagge Eagle, Eagge Eagle B40 Bun 4000, Solar 8000M, I / 9500
Goldway Ut4000apro, ut4000c, ut4000e, ut4000e, ut4000f, ut4000f pro, ut6000a, vet 420a
HJTLEigh SC1000
Infinium Infitron II
Invivo 4500 plus, 4500 plus 3, escort 100 Opt11a, escort 300A, escort II (Nellcor, Millennia 4500 plus 2, Omeg TV's, PRISM (NellCor Spo₂), Sat Scout
Ivy biomedysk 405a, 405d, 405P, 405T, Vitale-Guard 450 CN
Lumeon Hand-hold Oximeter
Mennen Envoy, Horizon XL (NellCor Spo₂), MR 1300, MR 1300 MERCURY 1200, MERCURY 1200
Mindray> Datascope Accutorr Plus, Accutorr V, DPM Central Station, DPM1, DPM3, DPM6, DPM6, DPM6, PM-60, Paspoart, Paspoart 2, Paspoart V, Paspoart XG, Paspoart, vs 900
Nihon Kohden BSM-1102 Life Scope EC, BSM-2300, BSM-2304 I), BSM-4100 Procyon LT (Life Scope P), BSM-4102 Procyon LT (Life Scope P), BSM-9112 Procyon (Life Scope P), BSM-4114A, BSM-5100, BSM-9510 Life M (Nellcor Spo₂), OGS-2000 PocketCare (NellCor Spo₂)
OMRON> colin BP-306, BP-508, BP-808, BP-88, BP-88S, druk op-Mate
PACETECH Vitalmax 800 Series (Black NellCor Spo₂)
Philips 78352C, 78354C, 76234C, 86210, 862231, 862439, 862474, 862469, 863066, 863466, 863266, FM20, FM30, M1020A, M1020B, M1025B, M1350b, M1350C, M172, M1724 B, M1723, M132A / B, M1E25B, M2475B, M2704A, M270A, M31A A01, M3001A A01 M3001A A01C06, M3001A A01C06, M3001A A01C12, M3001A A01C18, M3002A, M3500b, M3535A, M3535A, M3926A, M3926A, M3927A, M3922A, M8105A, M8105A, M8105A, M8105A, M8105A, M8105A, M8105A, M8105A, VM8, Suresigns VM8, Z24, VM4, VM6, VM8, Viridia A1, Viridia A3 sjoch minder
Schiller Argus CM8, Argus TM-7
Smiths Medysk> BCI 3100, 3101, 3180, 3300, 3301, 3302, 3302, 3304, 3401, 6100, 9100, adviseur, Autocorr, Mini Torr, Mini Torr, Mini Torr, Mini Torr, Mini Torr, Mini Torr, Mini Torr, Mini Torr, MINI
Spacelabs 90351-0 / 6, 90465 (NellCor Spo₂), 90466 (NellCor Spo₂), 90489 (Nellcor Spo₂), 90496/90369/90369/90369 (NellCor Spo₂), 90651A-08, IM77
Stryker> Medtronic> Fysio kontrôle Lifepak 12
Sundech Alle modellen ynklusyf NIBP 247B
Teramax 1000
Welch alllyn Atlas (Nellcor Spo₂), Micropaq (NellCor Spo₂), Propaq 106-el, Propaq 204-el, Propaq 206-el (NellCor SpoQQ CS (NellCor Spo.), SPot Vital Signs, Vital Signs (non-Oxi-Max)

Technyske spesifikaasjes:

Kategory Wegwerp spo₂ sensoren
Regulatory neilibjen FDA, CE, ISO 80601-2-61: 2011, ISO10993-1, 5, 10: 2003e, Tuv, Rohs kompatibel
Ferbinend distaal Male 7-Pin D-Sub Connector
Spo₂ Technology Nellcor Oxismart
Pasjintgrutte Neonatal / folwoeksene
Totale kabellingte (FT) 3ft (0.9m)
Kabelkleur wyt
Kabel-diameter 3.2mm
Kabelmateriaal Pvc
Sensor materiaal Comfort Foam (net-leefmiddel)
Latex-frij Ja
Ferpakking type doaze
Ferpakking ienheid 24pcs
Pak gewicht /
Garânsje N / a
Steryl Sterilisaasje beskikber
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* Ferklearring: Alle registrearre hannelsmerken, nammen, modellen, ensfh. Etc. Toant yn 'e boppesteande ynhâld wurdt eigendom troch de oarspronklike eigner of orizjinele fabrikant. Dit artikel wurdt allinich brûkt om de kompatibiliteit te yllustrearjen fan 'e Medlinket-produkten. D'r is gjin oare bedoeling! Al it boppesteande. Ynformaasje is allinich foar referinsje, en moat net brûkt wurde as hantlieding foar it wurk fan medyske ynstellingen as besibbe ienheden. Oars feroarsake elke gefolgen troch dit bedriuw neat te meitsjen mei dit bedriuw.

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