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Ndedzipi mhando dzekuraswa dzisiri-kusanzwisisika eeg sensors?


E anoziva kuti disposive vasinganzwisisike eeg sensor, anozivikanwawo seanesthesia yakadzika sensor, inokwanisa kuratidza mamiriro eCortex yeEEG kuziva kweeg uye kuongorora kudzika kweanesthesia.


Saka ndedzipi mhando dzekuraswa dzisiri-kusanzwisisika eeg sensors? Zvino ngatidzidze nezvazvo ~

Kuraswa kusiri-kusanzwisisika eeg sensor neCoual Channel Eeg Dual Floudrecy Index kune vakuru uye Vana (yekutanga kodhi 186-0106 yevakuru uye 186-0200 yevana); Kune zvakare mana chiteshi cheeg biscentral index (yekutanga kodhi ndeye 186-0212). Zvese zviviri danho chiteshi uye chechina chiteshi cheeg ndewekupedzisira kugara index. Iyo yekutanga ndeye mana electrode uye yekupedzisira ndeye matanhatu elederode. Ivo vanoenderana neBIS module, asi vakasiyana eeg sensors vanosarudzwa zvinoenderana nezvakaringana maclination.

kuraswa anesthesia kudzika isiri-kusanganisa eeg sensor

Iye zvino mumushonga wekiriniki, mazhinji acho anoshandisa dual channel eeg dual frequency index. China Channel Eeg Dual Follency Index inowanzoshandiswa mukutsvaga kwekiriniki inoda kunyatsoongorora eeg nyika dzakasiyana-siyana, zvichingodaro.

Ehezve, mukuwedzera kune dual follency index yataurwa pamusoro apa, kune zvakare index modulees, kodhi yepakutanga: Sedline murwere tambo (yekutanga kodhi: 2479), ioc anesthesia kudzika, nezvimwe.

kuraswa anesthesia kudzika isiri-kusanganisa eeg sensor

Aya anoraswa asingasviki eeg sensors ataurwa pamusoro anogona kupihwa neMidlinket. Mushure memakore emapiriti emusika wemusika, ivo vane basa rakagadzikana, kuyerwa kwakakwana uye kwakakwirira mutengo kuita. Ehezve, kana iwe uchida kugadzirisa zvakakosha zvisingarwi zvisiri-kusanzwisisika eeg sensor, isu tinogona zvakare kupa mhinduro zvinoenderana nezvaunoda.


If you want to know more about MedLinket disposable non-invasive EEG sensors, you can call us by email marketing@medxing.com to learn more~

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Statement: the ownership of all registered trademarks, product names, models, etc. displayed in the above contents are owned by the original holder or original manufacturer. This article is only used to explain the compatibility of MedLinket’s products, and has no other intention! For the purpose of transmitting more information, the copyright of some extracted information belongs to the original author or publisher! Solemnly declare your respect and gratitude to the original author and publisher. If you have any questions, please contact us by email marketing@medxing.com.

Kutumira Nguva: Sep-10-2021


* Disiki: Mazita ese akanyoreswa, mazita echigadzirwa, mhando, etc. Inoratidzwa mune zviri pamusoro zviri pamusoro apa ndezvevatakuri neyekutanga mugadziri. Izvi zvinongoshandiswa chete kutsanangura kuwirirana kwezvigadzirwa zvemukati zveMedket, uye hapana chimwezve! Zvese zviri pamusoro ruzivo nderekuremekedza chete, uye hazvifanirwe kushandiswa sekushanda kwekushanda kwemisangano yekurapa kana unit. 0therwive, chero conseguents wil ive yakavelevering kambani.