MedLinket inopa inodhura-inoshanda EtCO₂ yekutarisa chirongwa, kupera expiratory carbon dioxide sensor uye zvishongedzo zvekiriniki. Mutsara wezvigadzirwa plug uye kutamba. Yepamberi isina spectroscopic infrared tekinoroji inogamuchirwa kuyera iyo pakarepo CO₂ kusungwa, kufema mwero, kupera kupera simba CO₂ kukosha uye inhaled CO₂ kusungwa kwechinhu chakayerwa.
MedLinket inopera expiratory carbon dioxide sensor uye zvishongedzo zvinogona kushandiswa mune zvinotevera zviitiko:
1. Tarisa kufema kwemurwere
2. Batsira vanachiremba kuziva nguva yokubatidza mhepo inofefetera uye nguva yokubuda nayo
3. Tarisa kuti ET chubhu yakamira zvakanaka
4. Kana ikaitika netsaona extubation, inogona kupa alarm nenguva
5. Batsira kusimbisa kuti mhepo yekufema yemhepo inodonha inodonha zvisingatarisirwi
6. Simbisa nenguva kana nzira yekufema yakajairika panguva yemetastasis yemurwere
Ko MedLinket's end expiratory carbon dioxide sensor uye zvishongedzo zvinosanganisirei?
Kune maEtCO₂ mainstream modules anowirirana nemhando dzakasiyana dzemhando, kusanganisira Respironics, Masimo, Zoll (E / R Series), Philips, Mindray (China) uye mamwe mabhureki. Iwo macode ekutanga anoti 1015928 uye 200601 (IRMA ax +), 8000-0312, m2501a, 989803142651, 6800-30-50760; EtCO₂ side flow module ine macode ekutanga e1022054, 800601 (ms-isaax +), 800401 (ms-isaor +), 8000-0367, m2741a, 989803144591, 115-030401; EtCO₂ side flow module (yemukati) Kune zvakare mainstream CO₂ module accessories, vakuru uye mwana airway adapter kumurwere mumwe chete; EtCO₂ ekunze side flow module accessories: mukuru nemwana CO₂ nasal sampling chubhu kumurwere mumwe chete, ane kana asina anoomesa machubhu; mukuru / mwana gasi sampling machubhu emurwere mumwechete, mukuru / mwana gokora uye yakatwasuka gasi nzira adapter, nezvimwe.
If you want to know more about MedLinket end expiratory carbon dioxide sensor and accessories, you can call us by email to learn more~
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Nguva yekutumira: Sep-09-2021