Medlinket inopa mutengo-inobudirira etcoɨ yekutarisa chirongwa, kupedzisa expiritory carbon dioxide sensor uye accessories yekiriniki. Zvigadzirwa zvezvigadzirwa zviri plug uye kutamba. Yepamusoro isiri iyo Spectroscopic Infrared Tekinoroji inotorwa kuyera iyo Congment Cold
Medlinket End Experatory Carbon Dioxide Sensor uye accessories inogona kushandiswa mune inotevera zviitiko:
1. Tarisa kufema kwemurwere
2. Batsirai vanachiremba kuti vatendeuke pautirator uye kana kuendesa iyo ventilator
3. Simbisa kuti iyo et tube yakamiswa nemazvo
4. Kana iri yekutsvagisa netsaona, inogona kupa alarm munguva
5. Batsirai kuratidza kuti iyo Ventirator Vontilation Loop inodonha isingatarisirwi
6. Nguva nenguva simbisa kana iyo nzira yekufema yakajairika panguva yemurwere metastasis
Chii chinonzi medlinket's endlinket expiratory carbon dioxide sensor uye accessories zvinosanganisira?
Kune etcoɨ mainini ma module anoenderana nemainini akasiyana siyana, kusanganisira respironics, masimo, zoll (e / r mutserendende), china) uye mamwe matsva. The Original codes ndeye 1015928 uye 200601 (Irma ax +), 8000-0312, m2501a, 989803142651, 5800-30-50760; Etco₂ Side Flow Module ane Mari Yekutanga ye1022054, 800601 (MS-Isaax +), 800401 (Mser +) Etco₂ Side Flow Module (Yemukati) pane zvakare maincrererel co₂ module accessories, mukuru uye mwana akademba madekita emurwere mumwe chete; Etco₂ kunze kwedanho rekunze rinoyerera Module Symbols: Adult uye Mwana Co₂ Nasal Sampling machubhu emurwere mumwe, aine kana asina kuomesa machubhu; Adult / Mwana Samping Sampling machubhu emurwere mumwe, mukuru / mwana egasi uye akatwasuka gasi maitiro, nezvimwe.
If you want to know more about MedLinket end expiratory carbon dioxide sensor and accessories, you can call us by email to learn more~
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Kutumira Nguva: Sep-09-2021