"Over 20 Years of Professional Medical Cable Manufacturer in china"


Pelvic Floor Muscle Rehabilitation Probes

Pelvic Floor Muscle Rehabilitation Probes

Pelvic Floor Muscle Rehabilitation Probes

Pelvic Floor Muscle Rehabilitation Probes

The Rectum Probe PE0001

The Rectum Probe PE0001

The Vaginal Electrode PE0002

The Vaginal Electrode PE0002

The Vaginal Electrode PE0003

The Vaginal Electrode PE0003

The Vaginal Electrode PE0010

The Vaginal Electrode PE0010

The Vaginal Electrode PE0008

The Vaginal Electrode PE0008


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*Disclaimer: All the registered trademarks, product names, models, etc. shown in the above contents are owned by the original holder or the original manufacturer. This is only used to explain the compatibility of the MED-LINKET products, and nothing else! All the above information is for reference only, and should not be used as a working guide for medical institutions or related units. Otherwise, any consequences will be irrelevant to the company.