"Over 20 Years of Professional Medical Cable Manufacturer in china"



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  • Finally, Med-linket’s Temperature Probe Won Canadian CMDCAS Certification

    May 25, 2017, the medical consumable temperature probe independently researched & developed by Shenzhen Med-linket Medical Electronics Co., Ltd. won Canadian CMDCAS certification Part of screenshot of our CMDCAS certification   It is reported that Canadian medical device certification d...

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  • Infectious diseases have long been a major cause of morbidity and mortality among children under five years of age.

    The Oximeter,sphygmomanometer,ear thermometer and grounding pad independently researched & developed by Shenzhen Med-linket Corp. passed EU CE tests successfully and got CE certifications. This means this series products of Med-linket obtained fully recognition of Europe market, and with our ...

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  • Automatic Blood Culture Instrument Performance Characteristics

    1, automatic blood culture instrument performance characteristics 2, a variety of culture bottles, nutritional conditions for microbial growth, the positive rate was greatly improved, reduce the incidence of false positive rate 3, antibiotics and culture bottle: effectively and antibiotic residue...

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