"Over 20 Years of Professional Medical Cable Manufacturer in china"


Sidestream CO₂ Accessories

Sidestream CO₂ Accessories

Sab-kwj CO2 Accessories

Sidestream CO₂ Accessories

Medtronic Oridion Tech.Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal / Oral Line For Micro Stream, Cov Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂, Nrog Tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Medtronic Oridion Tech.Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal / Oral Line For Micro Stream, Cov Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂, Nrog Tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Medtronic Oridion Tech.Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Cov Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂, Nrog Tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Medtronic Oridion Tech.Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Cov Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂, Nrog Tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Medtronic Oridion Tech.Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Cov Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂, Nrog Tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Medtronic Oridion Tech.Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Cov Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂, Nrog Tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Masimo Compatible CO₂ Sampling Kab Rau Micro Kwj, Cov Neeg Laus / Pediatric, T Adapter

Masimo Compatible CO₂ Sampling Kab Rau Micro Kwj, Cov Neeg Laus / Pediatric, T Adapter

Masimo Compatible CO₂ Sampling Kab Rau Micro Kwj, Cov Neeg Laus / Pediatric, T Adapter

Masimo Compatible CO₂ Sampling Kab Rau Micro Kwj, Cov Neeg Laus / Pediatric, T Adapter

Masimo Compatible CO₂ Sampling Kab Rau Micro kwj, Cov Neeg Laus / Pediatric, T Adapter, nrog lub tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Masimo Compatible CO₂ Sampling Kab Rau Micro kwj, Cov Neeg Laus / Pediatric, T Adapter, nrog lub tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Masimo Compatible CO₂ Sampling Kab Rau Micro kwj, Cov Neeg Laus / Pediatric, T Adapter, nrog lub tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Masimo Compatible CO₂ Sampling Kab Rau Micro kwj, Cov Neeg Laus / Pediatric, T Adapter, nrog lub tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Masimo Compatible CO₂ Sampling Kab Rau Micro kwj, Me Nyuam mos / Neonatal, T Adapter, nrog lub tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Masimo Compatible CO₂ Sampling Kab Rau Micro kwj, Me Nyuam mos / Neonatal, T Adapter, nrog lub tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Masimo 3820 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂

Masimo 3820 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂

Masimo 4624 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂

Masimo 4624 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂

Masimo 3821 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Pediatric, Nrog O₂

Masimo 3821 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Pediatric, Nrog O₂

Masimo 3824 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal / Oral Line For Micro Stream, Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂

Masimo 3824 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal / Oral Line For Micro Stream, Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂

Masimo 4628 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal / Oral Line For Micro Stream, Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂

Masimo 4628 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal / Oral Line For Micro Stream, Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂

Masimo 3825 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal / Oral Line For Micro Stream, Pediatric, Nrog O₂

Masimo 3825 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal / Oral Line For Micro Stream, Pediatric, Nrog O₂

Masimo 4629 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal / Oral Line For Micro Stream, Pediatric, Nrog O₂

Masimo 4629 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal / Oral Line For Micro Stream, Pediatric, Nrog O₂

Masimo 3833 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂, Nrog Tshuab ziab

Masimo 3833 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂, Nrog Tshuab ziab

Masimo 3834 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Pediatric, Nrog O₂, Nrog Tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Masimo 3834 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Pediatric, Nrog O₂, Nrog Tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Masimo 3837 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal + Oral Line For Micro Stream, Cov Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂, Nrog Tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Masimo 3837 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal + Oral Line For Micro Stream, Cov Neeg Laus, Nrog O₂, Nrog Tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Philips Respironics M2768A Tau tshaj CO₂ Sampling Kab Rau Micro Stream, Cov Neeg Laus / Pediatric, T Adapter

Philips Respironics M2768A Tau tshaj CO₂ Sampling Kab Rau Micro Stream, Cov Neeg Laus / Pediatric, T Adapter

Masimo 3817 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Neeg Laus

Masimo 3817 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Neeg Laus

Masimo 3838 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal + Oral Line For Micro Stream, Pediatric, Nrog O₂, Nrog Tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Masimo 3838 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal + Oral Line For Micro Stream, Pediatric, Nrog O₂, Nrog Tshuab ziab khaub ncaws

Masimo 3818 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Pediatric

Masimo 3818 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Pediatric

Masimo 3819 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Me Nyuam mos

Masimo 3819 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal Line For Micro Stream, Me Nyuam mos

Masimo 3822 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal / Oral Line For Micro Stream, Adult, With Dryer

Masimo 3822 Compatible CO₂ Sampling Nasal / Oral Line For Micro Stream, Adult, With Dryer

thauj khoom

Tsis ntev los no Saib


* Tsis lees paub: Tag nrho cov khoom lag luam sau npe, cov npe khoom, qauv, thiab lwm yam uas muaj nyob rau hauv cov ntsiab lus saum toj no yog tus tswv los ntawm tus thawj coj lossis tus thawj tsim khoom. Qhov no tsuas yog siv los piav qhia txog kev sib raug zoo ntawm MED-LINKET cov khoom, thiab tsis muaj dab tsi ntxiv! Tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv saum toj no tsuas yog siv rau kev siv xwb, thiab yuav tsum tsis txhob siv los ua cov lus qhia ua haujlwm rau cov tsev kho mob lossis cov koom haum cuam tshuam. Txwv tsis pub, tej yam tshwm sim yuav tsis cuam tshuam rau lub tuam txhab.